Sex Worth Celebrating
In a world where sex continues to be viewed as taboo, especially when it comes to women, we here at lady A thought it crucial to speak out and introduce a little more sex positivity. With this in mind, we have created our new After Dusk range to introduce CBD into your sex life in a simple yet sensual way. But first, to celebrate your sexual self, we have researched a few easy ways to enhance your sex life. After all, knowledge is power…
Conscious Self-pleasure
Firstly, I think it's so important to stress that there is no one "right" way to enjoy yourself. What's key is to find what feels good for YOUR body. I think that we often feel inclined to put the power of our pleasure into our partner's hands, and although sex is, of course, about a partnership, we also need to consider who's going to know your body better than you? and if you aren't sure than ladies, It's time to take that power into your own hands (literally) and figure out what makes your body tick.
So with this in mind, let's start with my favourite sexual wellness practice, conscious self-pleasure. Aka touching yourself or masturbating. Even hearing the various names can make us feel squeamish, but it's time to unshackle the shame of self-pleasure seeing it for what it is: a chance to relax, unwind, and provide yourself with a feel-good, relaxing experience.
The simple act of just focusing on your body and nothing else can lead to much, MUCH better sexual experiences. It's all about exploration and learning and just feeling into the sensations of your body moment to moment. This will not only feel good but will also help you to set up your sexual blueprints, and once you know what works, locating those pleasure points will become almost instinctive. Furthermore, learning what feels good for your body can help you share those same pleasures with a partner—an added bonus.
Using a CBD lubricant can work wonders to help you maximise and enhance sensation. Try using our new CBD oil-based lubricant, combining a sensual blend of ginger, cinnamon and cardamon oils to enhance your pleasure.
Next up, we have Massage as our second recommendation. Yes, I know at first this sounds obvious, but it really is one of the best ways to consciously connect to your body and, therefore, your pleasure. Although many of us think we should feel at our best during sex when we are disconnected from our bodies, we lose a level of intimacy with ourselves and as an extension with our partner. As we receive Massage, whether from ourselves or others, we offer love and acceptance to that part of your body as we feel it touched. Remember, we all have insecurities about our bodies, but they are beautiful, whatever shape and size, and they deserve to be pampered!
If this wasn't enough, Massage has the potential to stimulate pleasure receptors (sensory neurons that are selectively activated by pleasant touch) that can help you to reach climax. They don't call it the magic of touch for nothing... Try using Our new CBD body & massage oil to help naturally enhance sensitivity. Containing a relaxing blend of lavender, evening primrose, sweet almond and Tammany oils that will make you smell so good you'll never want to stop.
Our final recommendation for a deeper sexual connection is the breath. We have all heard of the breathing practices from yoga and meditation and how incredibly transformative they can be, so expect no less when you bring this into sex. By simply concentrating on the expanding and prolonging of your breath in sex can allow the sensation to travel through your entire body, making the coveted 'full body orgasm' an easy reality. Try using our silk eye mask from the After Dusk range to help you focus. By removing sight, you will find it much easier to concentrate solely on your breathing, allowing for a deeper connection with the breath. The loss of sight will also do wonders for your body as it will also heighten all other senses making that big 'O' so much more powerful.

We are all willing to put time and attention into so many aspects of our lives in order for us to thrive and success and sex SHOULD be one of them. Like all things, with sex, when you put in a little work, you'll get those results. It's not one of those things that just 'happens' and is amazing every time. But setting aside some time and energy into connecting to and nurturing the sexual being that is you will go a long way. So, enjoy, explore and have some sex that's worth celebrating.